Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Date Night

Tonight turned into date night. We try to go out at least once a week, which is usually on the weekends out to breakfast or something but tonight we decided to use one of our Christmas gifts and go to the movies. Thanks Mom & Dad.

We went and saw Little Fockers. It was a great movie. We laughed just about the whole time. But I do agree with Thiago the first one was the best. Don't get me wrong they are all really good, its just usually the first movie is always the best.. that's my two cents. It is worth seeing it in theaters or waiting until it comes out.. whatever floats your boat.

It was nice, we both go pretty dressed up to go to the movies, nice casual clothes (since we don't usually do it often) and just enjoyed our own company.

I told Thiago I feel like we are on one of our first dates when we just started dating in 2005.

He is the best husband, friend and my support I could ever ask for. Eu Te Amo.

1 comment:

  1. What sweet memories to create! Date nights are awesome...especially when they are unexpected :)
