Saturday, March 12, 2011

Life is sure getting hectic

Life is getting hectic right now. Between leaving for Brazil on the 16th, packing our stuff to move :-D and work travel wise.

We started filling out the apartment application and are going to mail it Monday ... so fingers crossed there :-D I have been packing about 2 boxes a night between Chicopee and my parents house in West Springfield. Lets just say I am also doing A LOT of cleaning at my parents house which they will love. I'll probably be going over there tomorrow night to finish up so my room isn't a disaster when my parents get back from Brazil.

We got a text message from them this morning staying they were in Brazil - phew! The should be on the ship now relaxing and enjoying themselves. Thinking about them on the cruise ship makes me think about when we went in 2009 on the cruise - they stopping at one more port than us.

Wednesday can't come soon enough - well Thursday when we are actually in Brazil at like 6am haha. About 4am in the USA :-p

1 comment:

  1. HOORAY!!! So exciting to move and travel to Brazil, although it certainly sounds busy :)
